Thursday, September 22, 2011

Somebody's already ready for Halloween...


And there I am trying to use bribery to make her like being in the costume. Can't wait to have a proper photo shoot later for her!!!

"Trick or treat???"

Also need to find some doggy Halloween events around here... hmm...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Some of her favorite toys

She wants to somehow have both toys simultaneously, and figures out that she just needs to sit on one of them. Greedy corgi...

And of course, there's Mr. Fox.

"What? Don't you like my new hat?"

Friday, September 9, 2011

She's a winner!

Few weeks ago we entered Mollie into a 2012 corgi calendar contest on a whim. After she was chosen as a finalist it was put to the public vote, and she's one of the winners! Hooray for Mollie! Thanks to everybody who voted for her! Her photo will be used for the month of May, which is also coincidentally the month of her birthday. I'll post info when calendars are ready for sale...

In other news, she's become more and more cuddly lately. She'll come curl up in my lap when I'm sitting on the floor, or she'll roll over on her back and ask for a belly rub.